Due to Family Health issues we have closed our buisness

Breeder of Quality American Bresse and Rhode Island Red Chicks

Breeder of Quality American Bresse and  Rhode Island Red Chicks
We are proud to introduce Bresse Star Chick Hatchery, located in picturesque Perry, Utah, and specializing in breeding, hatching, selling and shipping quality American Bresse chicks as well as a Special Line of Rhode Island Red Chicks for you to pick up at your local post office. Our business is focused on providing the best possible experience for chicken owners through the use of high-quality breeding programs as we "Breed Toward a Better Chicken". Our motto and mission is to create American Bresse chickens that are healthier, more beautiful, and more capable than what is mostly available for sale .
We are committed to providing top-notch American Bresse chicks and our special line of Rhode Island chicks for those interested in starting their own backyard chicken flock. Our hatchery uses the same methods used for years to develop the best chicken breeds possible. We do our best here at Breese Star Chick Hatchery to carefully select our Best Roosters and Hens for the breeding programs to help towards our goal of Breeding Towards a Better Chicken. 
For chicken owners looking for our best Chicks we offer a Special Mating package of American Bresse Chickens. This package includes 10 chicks that were hatched from Eggs coming from our very best Rooster, "Journey", with a few of his very best hens. Each American Bresse Chicken is carefully selected for the characteristics it will pass on to offspring. These excellent qualities ultimately help you produce higher-quality eggs, meat, and feathering for your flock.
Whether you’re an experienced chicken breeder looking to expand or someone just seeking the best possible chickens for their home, we are doing our best to be the ideal option. You can rest assured that you’ll be one step closer to producing higher-quality eggs, meat, and feathering for your flock. Let us help you "Breed Toward a Better Chicken" with Bresse Star Chick Hatchery. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us today with any questions, or please visit our FAQ page as your answers may be there. Thank You for giving us a try. 
Please see our 3 other editorials in this about section. Especially how I fell into loving my feathered friends over 50 years ago !

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